
We all know that Data-binding mechanism is something about, however, it’s not MVVM all about but just a tool to help us implement MVVM on Android.

So, Data-binding is not simply binding data to the View, it focuses on the MVVM framework, which means you are supposed to take care of your project architecture on purpose.


Actually, the Model here is not simply the one to store data we talked about. What we store data is called Entity, and Model is more like something to interact with Entity. But to be exact Entity is affiliated to Model in a way.

Like here, I make an Entity named Repo:

public class Repo {
    private String name;
    private String description;
    private boolean fork;

	//setters and getters

The annotation in the code snippet is part of the GsonConverter system.

Meanwhile, I make a Model named RepoModel (extends the Entity usually):

public class RepoModel extends Repo {
    public boolean isForked(){
        return getFork();

Generally speaking, some of the business logics are implemeted in the Model.


As its name tells, ViewModel is the agency to communicate Model and View, and at the meantime decouple them.

Show the code first.

public class RepoViewModel {
    private ObservableField<String> name;
    private ObservableField<String> description;

    public RepoViewModel() {
        name = new ObservableField<>("");
        description = new ObservableField<>("");

    public void setRepo(Repo repo) {

As we can see, the memeber variables in the ViewModel have corresponding variables in Model(Entity). In a way, the variables in ViewModel are temporary and sensitive while the ones in Model are relatively stable and not often to change (But it will change if they need to, of course).

The variables in ViewModel is directly the ones showing or is going to show on UI.


The View here is different from the one in MVC and MVP. Since it working with Data-binding mechanism, it need to use <layout>, <data>, <variable> and so on in layout.xml. For more about it, you can visit my another post Data-binding.