
We all know that using data-binding and easily bind data to the widgets, but how about BINDing a method, is it possible?

The answer is YES, data-binding can do it!


When we use Glide to download an image from network and apply it to an ImageView, the code is usually like this:

ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;

I can’t use data-binding above, because it makes me confused that if I use data-binding, there will be no ImageView, and there will be nothing I can pass to the method

But the data-binding can still do the trick with BindingAdapter.


BindingAdapter is applied to methods that are used to manipulate how values with expressions are set to views.

The sentence means we can attach method to the view.

Here is an example from

 public static void setBufferType(TextView view, TextView.BufferType bufferType) {
     view.setText(view.getText(), bufferType);
//When android:bufferType is used on a TextView, the method setBufferType is called.

You can check the official document to learn more about BindingAdapter.


Let’s give it a shot.

Firstly, build a method with a random name, but make sure the ANNOTAION @BindingAdapter is added.

In the annotation, you can name the namespace and the attribute whatever you like, just make sure they are not too complex to be correctly written down. : )

Then you can do whatever you want in the method, like here, I download a photo from network with Glide and set it to the ImageView. You can use the data passed by the arguments.

Technically speaking, the first argument must be a View or its subclass.

public static void setImageByGlide(ImageView view, String imgUrl) {



Finally invoke this method in the widget:


Bingo~! Run your app and see what happen.

You can check my posts DataBinding-1, DataBinding-2 for more about databinding.